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Student Survey Results

Past Student Statistics

Students majoring in Microbiology, Molecular Biology (Figure 1), or Medical Laboratory Science (Figure 2) are able to either become employed or attend graduate/professional school immediately following graduation. These data come from exit survey responses.

MMBio- Immediate Plans.PNG

Figure 1: Displays the immediate plans for students graduating in Microbiology or Molecular Biology over the past three years.

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Figure 2: Displays the immediate plans for students graduating in Medical Laboratory Science over the past three years.

In addition, the vast majority of Microbiology or Molecular Biology students positively described how well their major prepared them for either graduate or professional school (Figure 3). Students in these same majors also reported strong positive feedback on their mentored research experience (Figure 4). These data come from exit survey responses.

Student Sentiment Prep for Grad Prof School.PNG

Figure 3: Summarizes a sentiment analysis from Microbiology and Molecular Biology students over the past three years. These statements reflect how students felt their major prepared them for graduate or professional school.

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Figure 4: Summarizes a sentiment analysis from Microbiology and Molecular Biology students over the past three years. These statements reflect how students felt about their research experience.