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David Mario Bellini

Bachelor of Science, Molecular Biology


Briefly tell us about yourself (e.g. hometown, family, hobbies, favorite BYU courses, intended profession)

I lived my teenage years in Seattle, WA but am originally from Brescia, Italy. I love Soccer, Tennis, Cooking, Playing the Piano, Dancing, EDM, Gaming, Travelling abroad, and of course, Research. My favorite BYU courses were BIO 130 (Biology for majors), BIO 365 (Computational Biology), and History 201. I will be going to the Baylor College of Medicine to study in their Quantitative and Computational Biology PhD program. Long term, I intend to do research on complex genetic diseases and advance personalized medicine.

Who were your greatest supporters while earning this degree?

Kim O'Neill, Brett Pickett, Stephen Piccolo, and Byron Adams

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen at BYU?

Read Dieter F. Uchdorf's talk "Your potential, your privilege" and apply that attitude to how you approach your experience at BYU. Get involved, make some of the best friends you'll ever have, and take full advantage of the incredible opportunities you are being given.

How has your experience at BYU prepared you for the rest of your life?

BYU (and the church at large) has taken my young, inexperienced high school mind and filled it with knowledge and power. I am prepared to take all that I have learned here and to go out and be a force for good in my field and personal life wherever I may go.