To start off, you need to perform an alignment of all your sequences. This can be done using MUSCLE. The output file (.txt) then needs to be converted to a .nex file, which can be done using ALTER.
- Go to the MUSCLE website
- Paste your sequences in FASTA format with two returns between each one
- To generate FASTA format from Strider, select File and then Export as…; when the new window pops up, set the Format bar to FASTA
- Set the output to "Pearson/FASTA"
- Do NOT change any of the other parameters
- Hit Submit
- When you have the alignment, click on the Result Summary tab
- Right click on the link beneath Alignments in FASTA format and select Save link as…
- Give the file the name that you want and then add the extension .txt
NOTE: At this point you can view your aligned sequences in MacClade.
- Go to the ALTER website
- Under 1. Select format
- Choose "MUSCLE" for program
- Choose "FASTA" for format
- Under 2. Paste or Upload MSA hit upload…
- Navigate to the .txt file that you created using MUSCLE, select it, and hit open
- Under 3. Select output format and convert
- Choose "PAUP" for program
- Choose "NEXUS" for format
- Hit Convert!
- Under 4. Save converted MSA hit save… and then Okay
- Open the .nex file with a text editor
- At the top of the file, change
interleave datatype=NUCLEOTIDE gap=-;
interleave datatype=NUCLEOTIDE gap=-;options gapmode=missing; - Scroll to the bottom and change
to the following[1]:
begin paup;
set autoclose=yes;
set criterion=parsimony;
set root=outgroup;
set storebrlens=yes;
hsearch addseq=random nreps=1000 swap=tbr hold=1;
savetrees file=yourfilename.tree.nex format=altnex brlens=yes;
endblock; - Save
NOTE: If you're doing this with multiple alignments, you'll have to refresh the ALTER page before working on a new .txt file.
NOTE: PAUP has a command-line interface. A .pdf user manual is available here and a .pdf command line reference manual is available here.
- Open PAUP
- Move the file(s) you intend to analyze into the same folder as the PAUP executable file
- e.g. if PAUP is on the desktop, then move your .nex file(s) to the desktop, too
- Use the cd ("change directory") command to navigate to PAUP
- e.g. cd Desktop
- Use the execute command to analyze your .nex file
- e.g. execute yourfilename.nex
If PAUP generates more than one tree, do not close the Terminal shell! You need to generate a consensus tree. Enter the following:
contree all/majrule save file=yourfilename.consensus.nex;
This will give you both a majority rule consensus tree[2] and a strict consensus tree.[3]
- Open MacClade
- Select the alignment file
- e.g. yourfilename.nex
- Click on the Windows menu
- Select Tree Window
- Select Open Treefile…
- Load your saved tree file
- e.g. yourfilename.tree.nex
- Open FigTree
- Load your saved tree file
- e.g. yourfilename.tree.nex
- See this.
- A majority rule consensus tree only shows branches which appear in at least 50% of the "rival" trees.
- A strict consensus tree only shows branches which appear in 100% of the "rival" trees.