Nucleobond Midiprep
- Buffer RES (contains RNase—store at 4°C)
- Buffer LYS (in Nucleobond kit)
- Buffer NEU (in Nucleobond kit)
- Buffer EQU (in Nucleobond kit)
- Buffer ELU (in Nucleobond kit), warmed to 60°C
- Isopropanol
- 70% ethanol
- T
5 E 0.5 - Nucleobond columns (one per sample)
- 40-mL centrifuge tubes, autoclaved (four per sample)
- 1.7-mL microcentrifuge tubes (five per sample)
- 50-mL Falcon tubes (two per sample)
NOTE: Do NOT use pipetting for resuspension—it can cause shearing of the genomic DNA.
- Label all tubes
- Label the microcentrifuge tubes ELU1 to ELU5
- Draw a line at the 1-mL mark on all microtcentrifuge tubes
- Grow S. meliloti cultures in 200-mL LB overnight to saturation
- Add antibiotic(s)
as needed
- Add antibiotic(s)
- Centrifuge four 40-mL aliquots of each culture at 8,000 rpm for 8 minutes at 4°C
- Use an SS-34 rotor
- Discard supernatant
- Thoroughly resuspend each pellet in 5 mL RES Buffer (in fridge)
- Combine samples into two tubes (each should now have 10 mL)
- Be careful not to mix samples from different cultures!
- Add 10 mL Buffer LYS
- Invert 4 times
- Incubate at room temperature for 3 minutes
- Add 10 mL Buffer NEU
- Invert 8 times
- Incubate at room temperature for 3 minutes
- Centrifuge at 11,000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C
Midiprep Column
- Suspend a Nucleobond column over a 50-mL Falcon tube using a white tip holder
- It may be necessary to put tape on the column so that it doesn't slide down too far
- Equilibrate the column with 12 mL Buffer EQU and allow it to empty by gravity flow
- Dump the supernatant from each sample (two tubes with 30 mL each) into a column and allow it to pass through the filter by gravity flow
- As the 50-mL Falcon tube fills up, transfer the column to a new one
- Wash the column filter with 5 mL of Buffer EQU and allow it to move through by gravity flow
- Apply to the sides of the filter, not the bottom
- Remove the column filter and discard
- Wash the column with 8 mL of Buffer EQU and allow it to move through by gravity flow
- Warm the Buffer ELU to 60°C (to increase yields) in one of the following ways:
- Microwave for ~5 seconds
- Set in the 60°C water bath for ~5 minutes
- Elute with 5.2 mL of 60°C Buffer ELU and allow it to move through by gravity flow
- Collect eluent in 5 microcentrifuge tubes (1 mL per tube)
- Discard tube ELU1
- To tubes ELU2 through ELU5 add 700 μL of isopropanol (this precipitates the DNA)
- Incubate at –20°C for 30 minutes
- Centrifuge at maximum speed for 10 minutes
- Do this in the cold room
- Remove most of the isopropanol
- Centrifuge at maximum speed for 1 minute
- Remove the rest of the isopropanol with a P-200
- Drizzle 150 μL cold 75% ethanol down the back of each tube
- Do not pipette up and down or vortex!
- Centrifuge at maximum speed for 5 minutes
- This can be done at room temperature
- Remove all of the ethanol with a P-200
- Be cautious—the pellets may be very loose
- Add 50 μL of T
5 E 0.5 - Drizzle the TE buffer twice down the back of the tube
- Do not pipette up and down or vortex!
- To dissolve the DNA, incubate at 60°C and flick once every minute for 15 minutes
- Analyze by gel electrophoresis
- Run 5 μL on a 1% gel for 15 minutes at 130 V
NOTE: This worked very well for low/medium copy plasmid pJG442.
Adapted from the Nucleobond Xtra Midi handbook. (Clontech cat# 740410.01)