Journal Articles

Gonzalez Murcia JD, Weinert A, Freitas CMT, Arens DK, Ferrel M, Grose JH, Wilson E, Kauwe JSK*, Weber KS* (2020) Scientific Reports |
Velazquez EJ, Brindley TD, Shrestha G, Bitter EE, Cress JD, Townsend MH, Berges BK, Robison RA, Weber KS and O’Neill KL (2020) Cancer Cell International. doi: 10.1186/s12935-020-01198-8 |
Townsend MH, Freitas CMT, Larsen D, Piccolo SR, Weber KS, Robison RA, and O’Neill KL (2020) Immunobiology. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2020.151931 |
Turbitt WJ, Weber KS, and Norian LA (2020) Immunological Reviews. doi: 10.1111/imr.12849 |
Tueller JA, Whitley KV, and Weber KS. (2020) International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi: 10.3390/ijms21030768 |
Tueller JA, Whitley KV, and Weber KS. (2019) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. doi: 10.1002/bmb.21318 |
Associations between evaporative cooling and dust mite allergens, endotoxins, and Johnston JD*, Cowger AE*, Graul RJ, Nash R, Tueller JA, Hendrickson NR, Robinson DR, Beard J, Weber KS. (2019) Indoor Air. doi: 10.1111/ina.12600 |
Freitas CMT, Burrell HR, Valdoz JC, Hamblin GJ, Raymond CM, Cox TD, Johnson DK, Anderson JL, Weber KS, and Bridgewater LC (2019) Scientific Reports. |
Bitner BF, Ray JD, Kener KB, Herring JA, Tueller JA, Johnson DK, Freitas CMT, Weber KS, Allen M, Thompson A, Fausnacht D, McMillian RP, Hulver MW Brown DA, Tessem JS, and Neilson AP (2018) Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2018.09.004 |
Weagel EG, Burrup W, Kovtun R, Velazquez EJ, Felsted AM, Townsend MH, Ence ZE, Suh E, Piccolo SR, Weber KS, Robison RA, and O’Neill KL (2018) Cancer Cell International. 18(135); doi: 10.1186/s12935-018-0633-9 |
T cell calcium signaling regulation by the CD5 co-receptor Freitas CMT, Johnson DK, and Weber KS. (2018) International Journal of Molecular Science. 19(5), 1295; doi: 10.3390/ijms19051295 |
Weber KS, Bridgewater LC, Jensen JL, Breakwell D, Nielsen B, and Johnson SM. (2018) PLoS ONE. 13(4); e0193696. https// |
Using Backward Design in Education Research Jensen J, Bailey E, Kummer T, and Weber KS. (2017) Journal of Microbiology and Biological Education. December 201718(3): DOI: |
Weagel EG, Meng W, Townsend MH, Velazquez EJ, Brog RA, Boyer MW, Weber KS, Robison RA, and O'Neill KL (2017) OncoTargets and Therapy. September 6, 2017. 10:4355-4367 |
Naive T helper cell with high CD5 levels has improved calcium mobilization Freitas CMT, Hamblin GJ, Raymond CM, and Weber KS (2017) PLoS ONE. 12(5): e0178799 |
Method to Increase Undergraduate Laboratory Student Confidence in Performing Independent Research Kempton CE, Weber KS, and Johnson SM (2017) Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. April 21, 2017 18(1) DOI: |
Non-small-cell lung cancer cell lines A549 and NCI-H460 express hypoxanthine guanine Townsend MH, Anderson MD, Weagel EG, Velazquez EJ, Weber KS, Robison RA, and O'Neill KL (2017) OncoTargets and Therapy. Mar 30, 2017. 10:1921-1932 doi: 10.2147/OTT.S128416 |
Evaluation of indoor dust endotoxin levels in homes with evaporative coolers compared to homes using central air conditioners in a semi-arid climate |
Dust mite allergens in low-income homes with evaporative coolers in a semi-arid climate |
Johnston JD, Tuttle SC, Nelson MC, Bradshaw RK, Hoybjerg TG, Johnson JB, Kruman BA, Orton TS, Cook RB, Eggett DL, Weber KS (2016) PLoS ONE. 11(1): e0147105. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147105 |
Pharmacologic immunosuppression of mononuclear phagocyte phagocytosis by caffeine Steck R, Hill S, Weigel E, Weber KS, Robison R, O’Neill K. (2015) Pharmacology Research & Perspectives. 3(6), e00180, doi: 10.1002/prp2.180 |
Olsen DS, Goar WA, Nichols BA, Bailey KT, Christensen SL, Merriam KR, Reynolds PR, Wilson E, Weber KS, and Bridgewater LC. (2015) BioMed Research International. Volume 2015, Article ID 975789 |
Weber KS, Jensen JL, and Johnson SM. (2015) PLoS ONE. 10(8)e0133486 |
Persuad SP, Parker CR, Lo WL, Weber KS, and Allen PM. (2014) Nature Immunology. 15(3):266-274. |
Subtle changes in TCRa CDR1 profoundly increases the sensitivity of CD4 T cells Lynch JN, Donermeyer DL, Weber KS, Kranz DM, and Allen PM. (2013) Molecular Immunology. 53(3):283-294. |
Dynamics of CD4+ T cell responses against Listeria monocytogenes Graw F, Weber KS, Allen PM and Perelson AS. (2012) Journal of Immunology. 189(11):5250-5256. |
Distinct CD4 Weber KS, Li QJ, Persaud SP, Campbell JD, Davis MD, and Allen PM. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. U S A . 109(24):9511-9516 Faculty of 1000 recommended. |
Weber KS, Hildner K, Murphy KM, and Allen PM. (2010) Journal of Immunology. 185(5):2836-46 |
Persaud SP, Donermeyer DL, Weber KS, Kranz DM, and Allen PM. (2010) Molecular Immunology. 47(9):1793-801. |
Protein kinase C-theta is required for efficient positive selection Morley, SC, Weber KS, Kao H, and Allen PM. (2008) Journal of Immunology. 181(7):4696-4708. |
Weber KS, Miller MJ, and Allen PM. (2008) Journal of Immunology. 180(3):1442-1450. |
Donermeyer DL*, Weber KS*, Kranz DM, and Allen PM. (2006) Journal of Immunology. 177(10):6911-6919. (*co-authors). |
Development of a novel strategy for engineering high-affinity proteins by yeast display Richman SA, Healan SJ, Weber KS, Donermeyer DL, Dossett ML, Greenberg PD, Allen PM, and Kranz DM. (2006) Protein Engineering, Design, and Selection. 19(6):255-264. |
Weber KS, Donermeyer DL, Allen PM, and Kranz DM. (2005) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 102(52):19033-19038. |
Neurobehavioral effects of dietary soy phytoestrogens Lephart ED, West TW, Weber KS, Rhees RW, Setchell, KD, Adlercreutz H, and Lund TD. (2002) Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 24(1), 5-16. |
Roper RJ, Weis JJ, McCracken BA, Green CB, Ma Y, Weber KS, Fairbairn D, Butterfield RJ, Potter MR, Zachary JF, Doerge RW and Teuscher C. (2001) Genes and Immunity. 2 (7), 388-397. |
Weber KS, Setchell KD, Stocco DM and Lephart ED. (2001) Journal of Endocrinology. 170(3), 591-599. |
Maternal and perinatal brain aromatase: Effects of dietary soy phytoestrogens Weber KS, Setchell KD and Lephart ED. (2001) Developmental Brain Research. 126(2), 217-221. |
Lephart ED, Call SB, Rhees RW, Jacobson NA, Weber KS, Bledsoe J and Teuscher C. (2001) Biology of Reproduction. 64(2), 571-578. |
Lephart ED, Thompson JM, Setchell KD, Adlercreutz H and Weber KS. (2000) Brain Research. 859(1), 123-131. |
Weber KS, Jacobson NA, Setchell KD and Lephart ED. (1999) Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. 221(2), 131-135. |
Book Chapters
Freitas CMT, Johnson DK, and Weber KS (2019). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 292-312 |
Engineering High-Affinity T Cell Receptor/ Cytokine Fusions for Therapeutic Targeting Stone JD, Yin Y, Mo M, Weber KS, Donermeyer DL, Allen PM, Mariuzza RA, and Kranz DM. (2012). Protein Engineering, ISBN: 978-953-51-0037-9, InTech. |