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Lab Protocol

Cell Cultures

Cell Lines and culture medium by Bradford K Berges
Growth of Sf9 cells (for BacK 50 propagation) by Bradford K Berges
Human cord blood purification of CD34+cells by Anne Tanner
Lysing of RBCs by Bradford K Berges

Virus Characterizations

Dengue Plaque assay on BHK cells by Bradford K Berges
ELISA for Dengue by Anne Tanner
Solutions and reagents for Dengue plaque assay on BHK cells by Bradford K Berges
Titering of HIV-1 on Ghost cells by Bradford K Berges

Virus Propagation

Baculovirus methods by Bradford K Berges
Dengue virus propagation by Bradford K Berges
Making rKSHV.219 by Bradford K Berges
Production of of KSHV from BCBL-1 cells by Bradford K Berges
Propagation of EBV from B95-8 cells by Bradford K Berges
Propagation of HSB-2 cells for HHV-6 by Bradford K Berges

Molecular Biology

Determining copy number of plasmid stock by Bradford K Berges
DNA from tail biopsies by Bradford K Berges
Plasmid mini-prep protocol (crude) by Bradford K Berges


Using the Berges lab pH meter